Thursday, 14 April 2016

Canvassing and Campaigning across Ceredigion

I've said that campaigning for election is an extreme sport and I think its well worth mentioning again! For the fitness enthusiasts out there I can confirm that my step count is well over the 10,000 recommended daily target!  Calorie consumption (especially cake!!) is high to maintain energy levels(!); so a return to Slimming world will be required - no doubt (eek).  

In all seriousness, the team and I have battled through the rain over the last 2 weeks to visit homes across Ceredigion.  I have been discussing the most important issues that impact on residents and I have promised to campaign hard to win the election and to represent Ceredigion in the National Assembly in Cardiff Bay.     The response 'on the street' is excellent; Team Liz has a great amount  of  support out there.  There is still a lot of work to do and every vote will count. This is going to be a very close election; so remind your friends and family to vote on May 5th.  Voter registration closes on 18th April so if you haven't yet done so please register quickly!  

There are many pressing issues that concern residents across the county which won't come as a suprise.   The three main areas are of course: Health, Education and the Economy.    School closures feature prominently in concerns as well (see the recent video I made in Taliesin which is on you tube).  You should have seen the glossy magazine that has been sent to every resident across Ceredigion - this details the campaign promises that I am committed to.  The Health Promises are  below (more nurses, less discrimination of mental health and improved GP access).  

So over the next few weeks you can expect to see me out and about across Ceredigion, at various 'hustings' events (please come along; your support makes a difference), there will be leafleting of course.   I always welcome extra pairs of hands; so if you would like to help out please get in touch.   

Spotted in Penrhyncoch!

Campaign Launch
Supporter Photo from Betty